Thursday, June 17, 2010

Is it dangerous to blow dry my hair?

If I blow dry my hair every day will it damage it a great deal? I have pretty thin hair and I'm afraid it'll fall out or get even thinner!

Is it dangerous to blow dry my hair?

not really its the heat going staight on throu ghds and other productes that do it from the age of 8 till 16 i was not alloud any, and only blow dryed my hair and it was lovely no split ends shiney and realy healthy, i was well pleased. BUT as soon as i used ghds they messed myh hair up. but no blow drying is ok just brush when hair is almost dry. x

Is it dangerous to blow dry my hair?

I'm not sure about the thinning part, but it will definatly be damaged. It dries out your hair and will most likely cause split ends and could leave your hair looking wiry or frizzy. Be sure to use some sort of product on your hair while blowdrying to reduce the damage.

Is it dangerous to blow dry my hair?

! blow drying wont damage your skin and inside skin! blow drying is external and does a bit damage to hair, but there are so many simple ways to repair hair! blow drying gives hair a hot style!!!

Is it dangerous to blow dry my hair?

I have really skinny hair and it gets damaged easily from blow drying.

Is it dangerous to blow dry my hair?

When I went to smart style a month ago the stylist said that blow drying your hair often causes you to have split ends earlier and damages your hair over time.

Is it dangerous to blow dry my hair?

i have thin hair and blow dry it everyday, been doing it for years and theres no damage so far.

Is it dangerous to blow dry my hair?

no..... and i don't do much to my hair....... i just use an anti-friz shampoo

Is it dangerous to blow dry my hair?

it depends

Is it dangerous to blow dry my hair?

just use heat protection products and your hair should be fine.

biolage fortifying heat styler works great.

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