Thursday, June 17, 2010

Does hairspray dry your hair out?

Ive been using hairspray recently to scrunch my hair to give it a break from straightening it every day, but it seems soo dry, even after i was the hairspray out. ??

Does hairspray dry your hair out?

yes it drys and damage your hair.

Does hairspray dry your hair out?

yessssssss it does because there is alcohol in hairspray not the kind you drink anddd if your hair is colored it will even dull your hair color or take it out over time.

Does hairspray dry your hair out?

Yes it does, you need to use a good clarifying shampoo to take all the build up from the spray out of your hair and then deep condition it to get some life back in to it. ..

Best of Luck ~~

Does hairspray dry your hair out?

yes, cuz of the alcohol in it

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